Sunday, November 3, 2013


I was talking with a girlfriend about a boy.  Theorizing over why he hasn't called (or texted), when she started to entertain the idea of "another girl".  I reacted quite passionately that there was NO ONE like her, she is an amazing person, and "competition" should never, ever be a factor when trying to figure out the "whys" of someone else's behavior!

We, as humans on this planet, are fortunate to be able to "label" or "define" who we are OURSELVES.  We feel confident and self assured, and know who we are in certain situations, i.e., at work, with friends, as a parent, in school, and then a person or situation comes to us, and we suddenly lose touch with our amazing selves.  We become insecure, doubtful, (inner voice "do I really look, act, sound, etc., the way 'they' say I do?") and become lost in our minds, floating, like Sandra Bullock in "Gravity", and some of us get so far lost, that we want to give up.

BUT THAT'S NOT how it's going to be anymore.  Listen carefully….(or Read and re-read), the ONLY person who can define (place VALUE on) who you are is YOU.. not your parents, your friends, your co-workers, bosses, society, magazines, celebrity…..ANYONE!!!  I can only imagine some of the "labels" I've been given.  I KNOW, I've been called a "Diva Makeup Artist", "B***H", etc., but I KNOW myself. I am a Visionary, I have a big heart, I would NEVER manipulate anyone or anything, I am a 'connector'-I love hooking people up with jobs, good bargains, other people, you name it, if I know someone that could help, I'm 'connecting' them.   I've gone "inward" and looked in the mirror, so to speak, for close to 20 years, now, and although the journey hasn't been all smooth sailing, I'm really comfortable with the person I am.

Here's your homework.  Next time someone or some thing comes into your life that tries to "label" you, stop and think of a different life scenario that you're in (your job, for example), and think of the strength, confidence, and knowing of who you are in THAT instance, take "that person", and place them in front of the new 'would be label maker'!  You've just connected with your true, amazing, beautiful SELF!!!

 Stay strong.  Even when you thing you're grounded, connected, and know 'who you are', challenges will still come at you, and with more power, trying to shake you up.  You may lose some friends, colleagues, etc., but have faith that you, being true to you, is the best gift you could ever receive.


  1. Great piece. Loved it. Thank you.

  2. I just found you. Great post, great reminder. Thanks. <3
