Saturday, June 29, 2013


If you're feeling "un-inspired", about anything, life, a project, what to wear, your hair color.. hahaahhaa, you just have to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to change your brain... take a walk, a drive, pick up a magazine, or, like I am currently doing, watch XOX BETSEY JOHNSON on STYLE Network.. I have to say, I've always been a HUGE fan of Miss Betsey--if I could wear a tutu every day with boots, I'd DO IT.. This woman is one of this planets greatest gifts.  And I'm not just talking about her talent for design.  She is going to be 70 years old, and her passion for fashion, and her love of her craft and her gift, and the fact that she's been doing what she loves for 40 years, through huge successes , to bankruptcy and to still have joy...this woman is a TREASURE!!! If you're ever having "one of those days"  check it out.. I hope she triggers something in you, like she does me...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


OKAY!!!!  I've discovered the BEST self-tanner!! FINALLY!!!
THANK YOU SEPHORA!! This product goes on SO easily! It has a super fine mist AND is tinted!  I recommend doing 2 thin, even coats..(go super light on elbows, ankles and knees, where self tanners usually go darker).

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My GUEST Appearance

I'm VERY VERY proud to be apart of  I am a featured guest on their blog, talking about "Beauty from the Inside/Out". I would be honored for you to check it out.  I'm approaching beauty from a new angle.  Please check it out, and let me know what you think, and PLEASE email me ANY questions you have--I FEED off of you, my readers, to share my knowledge and experiences, to in some way, make your life a little better.....
Have a beautiful day....  xoxo

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Last Wednesday, I heard from 2 completely different women,"I don't look in the mirror, my 'significant other' doesn't care how I dress, look, etc." .  Why is that so unsettling to me?  I mean, 1 of these woman is over 50, never been married, and someone who is spiritual, eastern wisdom believer, a literal 'healer', and someone with whom I have great respect for, and the other, a 30 something woman, who is a wife, mother of 2 teen boys, and currently pursuing her dream of becoming a school teacher. 1 lives in a big city, the other in a small town.  They couldn't be more opposite, yet they said the same exact thing… TO ME!!! I feel compelled to DO something about it!!  Okay, wait, let me just pause for a second and say, am I the ONLY person who sees a problem??  Let me explain.  You should 'care what you look like, how you dress' for YOU!!!!  I believe that its the thread that runs through your entire being!  What you see, how you see, who you see, affects how you FEEL!!  Haven't you ever been getting ready to go somewhere, and you look in the mirror, if only for a second, and caught a glance of yourself, and thought "alright! I'm lookin' pretty good today!" and then had a pretty good rest of the day (or few minutes, at the very least!)??  That's what I'm talking about!  That SPLIT second, or longer, that you saw yourself in the mirror, you saw your true beauty.. Whether that beauty was accompanied by 2 pounds of makeup, or just some freshly brushed teeth, there was beauty there!  So what makes us stop caring?  I KNOW that our significants want us to look good…..I mean, it ties into our self esteem, right?  I hope you know that what I'm saying has NOTHING to do with how much you weigh!!!! When I think about it though, I wonder if this is somehow tied into the reason why (they) we stop looking in the mirror.  I can only speak for myself (a person who looks in the mirror quite a bit), when saying no matter what my weight was (195, 180, 155, 140lbs), that I always looked in the mirror, and after 'getting ready' (hair, makeup ghujgh, clothes, etc.), would feel good-at my 'more to love size', I would think to myself "well, I'm hot from the boobs up".. that's how I truly felt!  And here I am now, at a decent size, and a mid-range age (hahaha), been through 2 big relationships (no marriages, no kids), and I still feel the same about the mirror!  I am PRO MIRROR!!  

I have a theory… or, an analogy… or, maybe it's just a thought…I believe the mirror can connect you to your soul.  if the phrase "the eye's are the windows to the soul", and you can't really see your own eyes without a mirror, doesn't that say something quite prophetic?