Sunday, November 10, 2013

AZHIA - Lonely Alone

AZHIA - Lonely Alone

I am PROUD to announce the release of my girl AZHIA's debut video for her AMAZING song, "Lonely Alone".  Yes, I worked on the video, and helped in the evolution of her image, however, I just unleashed the SUPERSTAR that is already inside this incredibly talented human being.  Everyone, support this MEGA Talent and download her song on ITUNES.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day of the Dead

My long time friend and Doctor Lynn Van Metre recently asked me to do her makeup for a "day of the dead" event she was attending.  I had never actually done this style of makeup before, but was excited for the challenge.  Here's what we came up with!!!
And here's from her follow up email:
I was the hit of the ball
I had fun and it was fun being behind the face!!!!!


Sunday, November 3, 2013


I was talking with a girlfriend about a boy.  Theorizing over why he hasn't called (or texted), when she started to entertain the idea of "another girl".  I reacted quite passionately that there was NO ONE like her, she is an amazing person, and "competition" should never, ever be a factor when trying to figure out the "whys" of someone else's behavior!

We, as humans on this planet, are fortunate to be able to "label" or "define" who we are OURSELVES.  We feel confident and self assured, and know who we are in certain situations, i.e., at work, with friends, as a parent, in school, and then a person or situation comes to us, and we suddenly lose touch with our amazing selves.  We become insecure, doubtful, (inner voice "do I really look, act, sound, etc., the way 'they' say I do?") and become lost in our minds, floating, like Sandra Bullock in "Gravity", and some of us get so far lost, that we want to give up.

BUT THAT'S NOT how it's going to be anymore.  Listen carefully….(or Read and re-read), the ONLY person who can define (place VALUE on) who you are is YOU.. not your parents, your friends, your co-workers, bosses, society, magazines, celebrity…..ANYONE!!!  I can only imagine some of the "labels" I've been given.  I KNOW, I've been called a "Diva Makeup Artist", "B***H", etc., but I KNOW myself. I am a Visionary, I have a big heart, I would NEVER manipulate anyone or anything, I am a 'connector'-I love hooking people up with jobs, good bargains, other people, you name it, if I know someone that could help, I'm 'connecting' them.   I've gone "inward" and looked in the mirror, so to speak, for close to 20 years, now, and although the journey hasn't been all smooth sailing, I'm really comfortable with the person I am.

Here's your homework.  Next time someone or some thing comes into your life that tries to "label" you, stop and think of a different life scenario that you're in (your job, for example), and think of the strength, confidence, and knowing of who you are in THAT instance, take "that person", and place them in front of the new 'would be label maker'!  You've just connected with your true, amazing, beautiful SELF!!!

 Stay strong.  Even when you thing you're grounded, connected, and know 'who you are', challenges will still come at you, and with more power, trying to shake you up.  You may lose some friends, colleagues, etc., but have faith that you, being true to you, is the best gift you could ever receive.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thank YOU

I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU.. 

 I've been going through a transformation period and have not been very 'connected' to keeping up with social media, or the HYPE of being a makeup artist, quite honestly.  I've been reflecting, learning, and just, well, going inward to get in touch with my passion.  It seems as though this is happening to a lot of people I know, surprising! I've had MANY spontaneous therapy sessions with close friends lately, and it's been AMAZING... I'm not any closer to an "answer", per se, LOL, but I also have an inner calm and peace inside of me.  I'm living in the moment.  Taking things one day at a time and living in my truth and with honesty.  That means, I know WHO I am, I know WHAT my values are, what I am about, and that I am AMAZING (I say that all the time.. even on photo shoots, etc., out clients, with a little laugh--been doing it for years! hey, what the heck, if they aren't saying it, I'll let them know!!!).  So CHEERS to everyone out there, and here's to your own quest to connecting with YOUR inner beauty... (IM AMAZING!!! did you know that?? hahaha)

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Meet up and comer SINGING SUPERSTAR AZHIA!!! I was so fortunate to meet and work with her and Jason Hollis from Punk Aristocrats as well as her FABULOUS wardrobe stylist Roberta Wagner to create her image .  I absolutely LOVE working with an artist and visualizing with them and through their music, where I see them going.  In this particular situation, we ALL were so in SYNC, that we created MAGIC!!!  I'm SO EXCITED for everyone to HEAR and SEE what this MEGA TALENT is serving up!!!!
hair and makeup design by ME!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Do you get confused buying shave cream?? Gel, Sensitive Skin, Aloe, Cocoa Butter, etc, etc.. Well, here's MY little secret!!! I use HAIR CONDITIONER!!
That's right!! It doesn't have to be expensive--Sometimes I get it from a dollar store, or if there's a good sale happening.  It gives you such a nice, smooth shave-and I've never had a nick or a cut! Of course, DO invest in a GOOD razor!!  One side note, if you have read and or know about me and my obsession with my own hair, you know I'm aWEN girl, as it were.  That said, I use WEN to shave my under arms and my, eh-hum, 'unseen'  or 'sensitive' areas. *wink*

Friday, August 2, 2013

INFINITY - Stay (Rihanna Cover)

I had the pleasure of hanging out with these guys today, thanks to Cindy Margolis and and   We had an impromptu "image" consultation, and I look forward to working with these incredibly talented, passionate, amazing guys!!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

5 Minute Beauty QUICKTIP

For a little "pick me up" when your LOOKING tired, try one or all of the following tricks:
1)  Put in some eye drops.  Either 'redness relief', 'tired eyes', 'lubricating', or 'allergy relief'-which ever applies to you.  We don't realize how dry our eyes get during the day due to A/C, wind, bright light, looking at computers, etc., that all leads to tired eyes.

2)  Curl your eyelashes.. Don't be afraid of that silly little device.. just go slowly.  It lifts your lashes from causing a shadow on your eyeball, therefor letting light in, and giving them a more "open" appearance! :)

3)  If you wear mascara, and didn't have it on, apply it.
     If you already had it on, apply another coat.
     If you don't wear it, just curl 'em, and carry on.

4)  Use a product that says something like "radiance", "light", "illuminating", "touch-up", "conceal".. i.e. YSL Touch Eclat, NYX Born to Glow Liquid Illuminator, or Clinique Airbrush Concealer.  Apply on top of whatever you have going on with your face right now.  (Yes, that's what I said---this IS a 5 minute QUICKTIP!)  Follow the example I've provided.  You don't need a ton of product.. start with a little.  Just dot under eyes, sides of nose, around mouth and on brow bone, then gently blend outward towards hairline/jawline. (you shouldn't have so much product on that it actually REACHES your hair/jawline!)

5) Dust a small amount of pinky peach or pinky rose blush on the apple of the cheek, then just BARELY graze the tip of your nose-trust me, you'll see. (for those of you that don't know about the anatomy of fruit and the face, smile, and the 'apple' is the full part of the cheek closest to your nose).  NOTE: don't sweep this color over that little illuminating lifting trick we just did! Use a soft touch!

6)  Apply a tinted lip balm.  If you pick one that is close to your natural lip color, it'll add just a little life to your face.. You don't need to go crazy with color.. But if you want to, hey, GO FOR IT! There are a ton out there.  It depends on your preference.  Burts Bees, Korres, Neutrogena.  


Saturday, June 29, 2013


If you're feeling "un-inspired", about anything, life, a project, what to wear, your hair color.. hahaahhaa, you just have to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to change your brain... take a walk, a drive, pick up a magazine, or, like I am currently doing, watch XOX BETSEY JOHNSON on STYLE Network.. I have to say, I've always been a HUGE fan of Miss Betsey--if I could wear a tutu every day with boots, I'd DO IT.. This woman is one of this planets greatest gifts.  And I'm not just talking about her talent for design.  She is going to be 70 years old, and her passion for fashion, and her love of her craft and her gift, and the fact that she's been doing what she loves for 40 years, through huge successes , to bankruptcy and to still have joy...this woman is a TREASURE!!! If you're ever having "one of those days"  check it out.. I hope she triggers something in you, like she does me...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


OKAY!!!!  I've discovered the BEST self-tanner!! FINALLY!!!
THANK YOU SEPHORA!! This product goes on SO easily! It has a super fine mist AND is tinted!  I recommend doing 2 thin, even coats..(go super light on elbows, ankles and knees, where self tanners usually go darker).

Sunday, June 9, 2013

My GUEST Appearance

I'm VERY VERY proud to be apart of  I am a featured guest on their blog, talking about "Beauty from the Inside/Out". I would be honored for you to check it out.  I'm approaching beauty from a new angle.  Please check it out, and let me know what you think, and PLEASE email me ANY questions you have--I FEED off of you, my readers, to share my knowledge and experiences, to in some way, make your life a little better.....
Have a beautiful day....  xoxo

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

Last Wednesday, I heard from 2 completely different women,"I don't look in the mirror, my 'significant other' doesn't care how I dress, look, etc." .  Why is that so unsettling to me?  I mean, 1 of these woman is over 50, never been married, and someone who is spiritual, eastern wisdom believer, a literal 'healer', and someone with whom I have great respect for, and the other, a 30 something woman, who is a wife, mother of 2 teen boys, and currently pursuing her dream of becoming a school teacher. 1 lives in a big city, the other in a small town.  They couldn't be more opposite, yet they said the same exact thing… TO ME!!! I feel compelled to DO something about it!!  Okay, wait, let me just pause for a second and say, am I the ONLY person who sees a problem??  Let me explain.  You should 'care what you look like, how you dress' for YOU!!!!  I believe that its the thread that runs through your entire being!  What you see, how you see, who you see, affects how you FEEL!!  Haven't you ever been getting ready to go somewhere, and you look in the mirror, if only for a second, and caught a glance of yourself, and thought "alright! I'm lookin' pretty good today!" and then had a pretty good rest of the day (or few minutes, at the very least!)??  That's what I'm talking about!  That SPLIT second, or longer, that you saw yourself in the mirror, you saw your true beauty.. Whether that beauty was accompanied by 2 pounds of makeup, or just some freshly brushed teeth, there was beauty there!  So what makes us stop caring?  I KNOW that our significants want us to look good…..I mean, it ties into our self esteem, right?  I hope you know that what I'm saying has NOTHING to do with how much you weigh!!!! When I think about it though, I wonder if this is somehow tied into the reason why (they) we stop looking in the mirror.  I can only speak for myself (a person who looks in the mirror quite a bit), when saying no matter what my weight was (195, 180, 155, 140lbs), that I always looked in the mirror, and after 'getting ready' (hair, makeup ghujgh, clothes, etc.), would feel good-at my 'more to love size', I would think to myself "well, I'm hot from the boobs up".. that's how I truly felt!  And here I am now, at a decent size, and a mid-range age (hahaha), been through 2 big relationships (no marriages, no kids), and I still feel the same about the mirror!  I am PRO MIRROR!!  

I have a theory… or, an analogy… or, maybe it's just a thought…I believe the mirror can connect you to your soul.  if the phrase "the eye's are the windows to the soul", and you can't really see your own eyes without a mirror, doesn't that say something quite prophetic? 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A New Gig??

I'm REALLY excited to share that I'm going to be blogging for a new site called  It's 3 OB-GYN (female) Doctors who are launching---wait-- CATAPULTING into the cyber world, spreading knowledge, educating, and empowering women.  I am SO honored to have met, as well as worked with these 3 brilliant and inspiring women.  Their site is up, and the blog should go LIVE next week.  I'm going to be writing from a place of inspiration (well, thats my INTENT, anyway! lol!!)...joining mind, 'beauty', and spirit...Be sure to check it out!! And I will be adding to my 'sharing' story this week!!

here's what I did yesterday!
Michelle Stafford, and her
BEAUTIFUL daughter,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I'll get back to my story in a the meantime......

I just HAD to post this pic... look at my GORGEOUS client, MICHELLE STAFFORD from The Young and the Restless... I was honored to be flown to Las Vegas and do her hair and makeup for the ACM's.  BONUS?!?!?!?!  I got to be her DATE, TOO!!!

 and I ran into some old friends who were attending the show, too! Dog and Beth...xoxoxo

My reality late that night......

Friday, April 19, 2013


When I first started blogging late last year, my enthusiasm was, well, a bit lackluster.  I KNOW I'm an awesome hair and makeup artist, and smart, a bit witty, and knowledgable when it comes to many things, especially my craft.  But with so many people achieving success with blogs about "all things beauty", what could I possibly bring to the table?  EXPERIENCE.....................

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I wanted to share with you some pictures I've taken...Besides taking Behind The Scenes pics when I'm working, I LOVE nature, animals, SO many things.. I believe that if you're a "creative type" like myself, kind of "flat lines" when put in a "box".. when you allow yourself to open up that part of the brain that loves to create, there really is no end to what you can create..
Here are some of my favorite pics... Hope you find inspiration, as I did... UNLEASH IT!!!!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Soaps in Depth shoot w/ Y&R's MICHELLE STAFFORD

TODAY....was an AMAZING DAY!! I worked with my long time client/friend the EVER stunning MICHELLE STAFFORD from THE YOUNG and the RESTLESS.

Here are some Behind The Scenes Pics that I took during the shoot.  Let me Know whatcha think!!!


 by the way, I'm STILL tweaking the "look" of
my Blog, and I'd SO VERY MUCH appreciate
any input/suggestions...

so PLEASE "SUBSCRIBE", and feel free to
comment in my "email" section... I'm really truly
interested in your suggestions...Until we meet again!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Little Press Never Hurts!!!

Check out this article from GLITTER MAGAZINE, of which I did the lovely Caroline Sunshine!!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My "PRO-SITE" is back up and running!!

For a while, now, my "Portfolio" or "Pro-Site" was MIA... I lost my domain name ( to some random person who stole it out from under me when my renewal came up, and my once "full time" agent, Keith Zenobia and I had "broken up".  I spoke to Keith about a month ago, and we were just catching up, and when I told him what had happened, he graciously put my portfolio back up on his site.  So, if you'd like to check out a little taste of what I've done over the past 20 years (in a "professional-May I see your Portfolio?" kind of setting), check  it out at 

Monday, March 4, 2013


Here are some Behind the Scenes snapshots from my recent Soaps in Depth photo shoot with the fun and talented Melissa Claire Egan and Michael Muhney from The Young and the Restless.  Look for this Issue on Newsstands this week!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Perfect KISSABLE Lip

Here's one of my secrets to a PERFECT KISSABLE lip..

......STEP BY STEP....
First, use a lip scrub, OR, make one, with a little olive oil and some raw sugar (larger granules), and massage all around, and onto your lips.  This will loosen dead skin and the circulation will make your lips look plumper!!
  After you rinse off the scrub,
apply a moisturizer to your lip.. I like UN-WRINKLE LIP by PeterThomasRoth..It is a lotion that penetrates into the skin, it's not like a waxy lip balm that leaves a film on the lips.  Those are FANTASTIC for sealing in the moisture that you have in your lips, and protecting your lips from "the elements", but for this technique, we want a long lasting lip color, and to have a waxy barrier between your lip and the color we're going to use, it just wouldn't last long at all!  (ONWARD!!!!)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I wanted to share my horoscope for today, Feb. 14, 2013..

Common sense is something you truly excel at using today. While everyone else has gotten into a habit of grasping for straws and adopting strange theories, you`re able to boil down the problem and get to the heart of the matter in mere minutes. With this much brainpower working to your advantage, you should be able to do some really great things. Whether or not you`re in the same category as the top scientists of the world, right now you`re definitely capable of making some of your very own discoveries by the time night falls.

WELL!!! If that's not inspiring!! By the way, if you didn't know, this is from my very own BLOG Horoscope App!! (scroll down, and look on the left!!)..

I will be BACK, with more brilliance! (Night HAS fallen, sooo..........)

Friday, January 25, 2013

How to "COLOR TATTOO"!!!!

I've been wanting to share this "how to" secret FUH-EVAH!!!!  Here are some stills from the video I just did!  I can't wait for you to see this!! DEFINITELY let me know what you think!!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fave of the day

I was turned onto this mascara by a salesperson (and I actually listened! HAHA)
Makes my lashes loooong, it's buildable coverage, doesn't clump..I could go on and on...instead..check it out!!

 Am I right, or WHAT! AMAZING!!!
Available at ULTA   $22.