Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Shyima Hall

With the ups and downs that go along with being a freelance makeup artist, there are moments/people that I am so BLESSED to come in contact with, and get into their personal space, and get moved beyond words.  To the depth of my soul.  I had this experience recently with the REMARKABLE SHYIMA HALL.  
Her new book HIDDEN GIRL, chronicles her life from the time her parents sold her into slavery in Egypt, to her human traffiking into the united states, up to her current life, at 24.  This girl has an incredible spirit, and I was truly honored for spend time with her last week.  Please look for her book, as well as the article I worked with her on for People Magazine, which could be on newsstands at any time.  She's an ANGEL.. !!!! LOVE YOU SHYIMA!!!!