Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thank YOU

I just wanted to take a moment to say THANK YOU.. 

 I've been going through a transformation period and have not been very 'connected' to keeping up with social media, or the HYPE of being a makeup artist, quite honestly.  I've been reflecting, learning, and just, well, going inward to get in touch with my passion.  It seems as though this is happening to a lot of people I know, surprising! I've had MANY spontaneous therapy sessions with close friends lately, and it's been AMAZING... I'm not any closer to an "answer", per se, LOL, but I also have an inner calm and peace inside of me.  I'm living in the moment.  Taking things one day at a time and living in my truth and with honesty.  That means, I know WHO I am, I know WHAT my values are, what I am about, and that I am AMAZING (I say that all the time.. even on photo shoots, etc., out clients, with a little laugh--been doing it for years! hey, what the heck, if they aren't saying it, I'll let them know!!!).  So CHEERS to everyone out there, and here's to your own quest to connecting with YOUR inner beauty... (IM AMAZING!!! did you know that?? hahaha)

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Meet up and comer SINGING SUPERSTAR AZHIA!!! I was so fortunate to meet and work with her and Jason Hollis from Punk Aristocrats as well as her FABULOUS wardrobe stylist Roberta Wagner to create her image .  I absolutely LOVE working with an artist and visualizing with them and through their music, where I see them going.  In this particular situation, we ALL were so in SYNC, that we created MAGIC!!!  I'm SO EXCITED for everyone to HEAR and SEE what this MEGA TALENT is serving up!!!!
hair and makeup design by ME!!